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War on #Herion: #White #Hypocrisy

The number of people who have used heroin within a year has doubled from 2005 to 2012; the number of deaths due to heroin have quintupled in the past 10 years.

And most importantly, 90 percent of new heroin users are white, following what one expert calls the “heroin prep school” of prescription opiates. In America, heroin used to be linked to the “inner city,” with all the socioeconomic and racial implications that suggests. As heroin addiction has taken on a whiter, richer face, it’s become a cuddlier drug, one more likely to be responded to with help instead of force. Frontline follows different treatment approaches with a few different addicts in “Chasing Heroin,” as well as interviewing dozens of scientists, policymakers, and social workers.

 Frontline correspondent Martin Smith, who is white, asks Attorney General Eric Holder, “Not to be too glib, but isn’t [the new public health response to addiction] because a lot of white kids are doing heroin?” Holder, who is the first African-American attorney general, struggles to be diplomatic. Smith presses him further. “Richard Pryor said, you know, famously—about cocaine—that it’s an epidemic now ‘cause white people are doin’ it.” Holder responds, “There’s an element of truth to that.”

The director of the Centers for Disease Control, Tom Frieden, and a former senior White House advisor on drug policy, Keith Humphreys, who explain how deliberately they chose to start using the word “epidemic” around heroin abuse, a term that was quickly picked up by the media. Humphreys points out that politcians pay more attention to drugs when they begin to affect the white middle class. “It’s not fair, and it’s not right, but that’s the kinda country that we’re living in.” Public health lawyer Scott Burris adds, “Stereotypes turn out to be so very important to people’s attitudes towards drug use, and the war on drugs, and drug users.”

The politicians and police have made it quite the war on drugs was not meant to include white people.

#Heroin #Epidemic Differs in Communities of Color

Politicians and the police are simply making it clear that the war on drugs was never supposed to include white America.

Most of the media attention in the current nationwide heroin epidemic has focused on the uptick in overdose deaths among suburban, white, middle-class users — many of whom turned to the drug after experimenting with prescription painkillers.

And it’s among whites where the most dramatic effect has been seen — a rise of more than 260 percent in the last five years, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
But the epidemic has also been seeping into communities of color, where heroin overdose death rates have more than doubled among African Americans, Latinos and Native Americans, but gone largely overlooked by the media.

The heroin epidemic in the African-American community is distinct for another reason, in that they’re less likely to come to the drug through opioids. Multiple studies have shown that doctors are less likely to prescribe opioid painkillers to blacks than whites, even young children, for the same ailments.
Even when they do get a prescription, blacks in low-income neighborhoods can struggle to find a pharmacy that has the opioids on hand to fill it.
 “There’s a well-known phenomenon that there’s less opioids available in segregated minority communities,” said Dr. Compton of the NIH. “You can’t find them in the pharmacies. There’s less medical access.”

#White people want: "Gentler #War on #Drugs"

For Whites is code that's considered an exploding epidemic or crisis because it's affecting Whites and their communities that have been exposed because of the heavy usage of drug use since the hippie movement of the 1960's was always present with all types of illegal drugs and the misuse of over the counter and doctor prescribed drugs in white America.
Our White kids are drug addicts. They need help and not prison.
Drug addicted Black kids? 

They are largely the reason why my white child is a drug addict and because of their influence, send them directly to prison.
Typical white racist thinking.
I watched "60" Minutes last Sunday with their lead story about massive heroin use in the so-called "safe and responsible" white suburban neighborhoods with daughters who have overdosed, been to drug rehab more than 10 times, failed rehab each time and is still heavily addicted and still using.
The White parents being questioned on the panel were pointing the fingers at everything else and not pointing the fingers at themselves for being irresponsible, terrible parents to include one mother stupidly saying that if people who don't eat right, over eat, gain weight and develop diabetes can't be charged with a crime and go to jail, then why should my daughter who is a "victim" of drugs.
Her daughter was even shown shooting up heroin in her room sitting on her bed by her white boyfriend.

She's not a junkie, she's a victim.........."Victim" meaning someone else's fault for her daughter's drug disease.
White Americans make up 63% of the American population compared to 13% that makes up the African American population yet Whites still believe when things happen in their communities and in their homes to their children, the parents think they didn't do anything wrong, they did all they possibly could. Heroin, crack, cocaine, marijuana and even acid use is because of the African American population who have directly and indirectly, influenced their white children to become drug addicted.
It's all Black people's fault.
The massive issue of prescription drugs, designer drugs and meth throughout white America that also includes extreme family alcoholism?
They all live in closeted and secret denial about it while thinking if they keep it to themselves within their white suburban community walls that also doesn't expose their shame, no one will on the outside will know about it.

Always blaming Blacks because it's easy and that's what the white media focuses all their negative attention.
All those stand in the corner, "time out" disciplines you gave your children while growing up and just talking in frustration to your children because you refused to spank while growing up, is now working against you because they have no fear of you at all and in addition, can do and say whatever they want to you that severely hurt your feelings and they could care less about you.

Where you live be it in urban areas or in the white rural or suburban neighborhoods, doesn't make a difference where you live or how little or how much you have financially and materialism wise if you're a terrible parent and never knew or don't know how to parent.

#Politicians, #Hypocrisy & the #War on #Drugs

Politicians & Prohibitionists On Drugs

Mike_Crapo_Official_Photo_110th_CongressMike Crapo, Idaho Senator
An advocate for the War on Drugs, specifically advocating against the use and distribution of meth in his home state of Idaho, Crapo is a self-proclaimed teetotal, which is confusing since he was arrested and pled guilty to DUI charges in Arlington, Virginia in December 2012. Crapo was sentenced to 180 days in jail, all of which were suspended, although his driver’s license was suspended for a year.

Willie Gandara Jr., Texas County Commissionergandara
Texas County Commissioner Willie Gandara took a strong stance against drugs, declaring them as bad for America, which makes his February 2012 arrest for federal drug trafficking particularly awkward. Gandara spoke publicly against El Paso Rep. Beto O’Rourke’s congressional bid due to O’Rourke’s advocating for legalizing marijuana. In November 2012, Gandara was sentenced to six and a half years in prison — a light charge considering many people go away for life on much lesser charges.

Dustin Grubb Mayor of PoulanDustin Grubbs, Mayor of Poulan Georgia
Poulan was arrested for possessing a bag filled with 57 pills (a variety of Vicodin and Ocycontin). He also was in possession of a firearm during the commission of a crime (intent to sell drugs). Released on $25,000 bond in January for possession of a controlled substance with the intent to distribute, Grubbs is still the Mayor of Poulan.

steve katz New York AssemblymanSteve Katz, New York Assemblyman
Although voting against the legalization of marijuana in 2012, Steve Katz was nonetheless caught smoking marijuana. Calling the arrest an “unfortunate incident,” Katz vowed to not let the arrest interfere with his commitment to serve his constituents. Ditto to that 2000 DUI arrest. Too bad the millions of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated individuals whose voting rights have been stripped for life for similar offenses will never have the opportunity to vote this man out of office.

mel_leblancMel LeBlanc, Councilman for Arlington, Texas
A February 2012 police report shows the results of an investigation on Mel LeBlanc, Arlington Texas’ interim deputy mayor. The charges? Meth, marijuana and prostitutes. The investigation was the result of his wife calling 911 seeking help from authorities. LeBlanc had been released from rehab just two weeks prior, and yet his wife was able to turn over to the police a bag of crystal meth she found in her husband’s possession. She also claimed he was on K2 the day she called for help.

Danny Sparks, Mayor of Olive HIll, KentuckyDanny Sparks, Mayor of Olive Hill, Kentucky
Mayor Sparks was arrested in November 2012 for selling pot to a police informant in the parking lot of an elementary school. Sparks was charged with felony trafficking in marijuana within 1000 feet of a school. He asked for the public’s understanding that he had made a mistake — a mistake millions others have also made but that’s consequences resulted in felony charges and serious time in prison.

ted vick Carolina State RepresentativeTed Vick, South Carolina State Representative
Arrested in May 2013 outside of the of House of Representative’s parking garage, Ted Vick was seen struggling to maintain his balance while walking and trying to drive while clearly under the influence of something. Although he refused a breathalyzer, the officer who noticed Vick’s inability to drive in a straight  line smelled alcohol strongly on the representative’s breath. No stranger to being on the wrong side of the law,  Vick has a 2012 arrest for DUI and unlawful possession of gun from May 2012. Alex Stroman, directer of the South Carolina GOP claims that Vick should, “resign his seat so that he can finally get the help that he so clearly needs.” Too bad the millions of people incarcerated in prisons across the US did not have someone advocating for treatment in the same manner Stroman is for Vick. No, they are just locked up instead.

(source: The Fix)

The bottom line?

Politicians should hold themselves to the same standards of the law as they expect every other American to. And, if they think the consequences of their actions are too severe, perhaps the consequences are also too severe for every other American as well.

#Healthy #sexual #Aging and Doctor Visits.

Many of us despise visiting the doctors all the time although doctor visits can help keep us healthy. Some people enjoy visiting the doctors, since they are aware that it will keep them updated with their health issues. This is a good thing.

How visiting your doctor regularly benefits you:
We should all go see our doctors at least once a year to get our yearly exam, unless we have illnesses that require frequent visits. This will help your doctor keep watch over your health. The doctor keeps a watch on your blood pressure, check your heart and so on. Breast exams, vaginal exams and other exams are essential for women. Every six months women should seek a pelvic exam and once a year depending on age, the patient should get a mammogram. There are a million reasons to see your doctor regularly. If you stay healthy you will feel better and you will be running stronger when the rest of us are laying in our bed wishing we would had listen.

How do I find a doctor?
Finding a doctor is not hard for some and harder for others. You can check with people and ask them whom they have for a doctor or you can call your local hospital in your area and see who is in your area. Keep in mind that because you do not have a doctor now, it may make you feel uncomfortable when seeing a doctor for the first time. You need to find a doctor that makes you feel comfortable for this reason. 

You have to have a friendship with your doctor this way you will feel more a rest. If you do not like your doctor, other doctors are available that you can visit. You just have to find one that you like and go with that one.

How frequent doctor visits make you feel healthier:
You will feel healthier for one thing when you visit the doctor frequently. Frequent visits will make you feel much better in the end. If there is something, wrong with you the doctor will be able to see it and can with hopes fix the problem but it you don’t go the doctor will not be able to fix the problems. 

Doctors are your best friend. When you have a doctor in your corner the doctor will take extra care to make sure you are healthy.

The doctor can help you to live a healthier life so you will look younger and feel younger. Do you know that saying ole’ saying, “you are as old as you feel?” This saying can become yours by visiting your doctor frequently.

As we grow older, we often feel sluggish. The reason is that our living cells are not replacing dying cells as quickly, as well other mechanisms within us, such as metabolism is not producing as quick. This causes us to feel sluggish. To feel better we need vitamins, herbs, and medications sometimes.

What we need is accomplished when we seek professional support, since that support, team will evaluate and diagnose your problems. The diagnostics is what determines what the doctor can do to help you feel better. If you ignore the doctor, you may face Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, strokes and so on. Most diagnosis have cures, the problem is most people do not seek medical attention until it is too late. 

If you are seeking medical support, you can go online, type in your zip code and conduct a random search. The sites online will offer you a list of doctors in your area. 

#Wellness #longevity: #Superfoods for a Super Long Life

Recent research shows that specific chemicals in foods -- such as sulforaphane, a phytochemical in broccoli -- work with your genes to ratchet up your body's natural defense systems, helping to inactivate toxins and free radicals before they can do the damage that leads to cancer, cardiovascular disease, and even premature aging.

And the hope for the future is to be able to tell someone what diseases or maladies they are might be genetically predispositioned to early on, so their diets can be focused accordingly.  We’ll know which ones to add, which ones to avoid, and be able to take a proactive role in preventing or deterring a genetic disease.  In the meantime, many foods have been determined to pack a punch to the aging process.


Lycopene, the pigment that makes tomatoes red, also appears to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease, some cancers, and macular degeneration. It’s also been associated in greater self-sufficiency in elderly adults. While fresh tomatoes have a good hit of lycopene, the most absorbable forms are found in cooked tomato products, such as spaghetti sauce and soup and prepared salsas. Pink grapefruit, guava, red bell peppers, and watermelon are also rich in lycopene.  

Eating at least two cups of orange fruits like sweet potatoes, squash and carrots boosts intake of beta-carotene, which converts to vitamin A, essential for healthy skin and eyes, and which may also reduce the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis. Lutein and lycopene, also found in orange produce, also help reduce the risk of macular degeneration and may protect skin from sun damage and even reduce wrinkling as well. Mangos and cantaloupes are also beta-carotene endowed. 

And if you don’t do anything else to change your diet, eat your dark leafy greens. They have been showed to significantly reduce your risk for heart disease and may also save your eyesight. Dietary guidelines advise at least three cups of greens a week. Frozen or bagged is as good as fresh.

Don’t forget the mental aging process either. The heart-healthy omega 3 fatty acids have also recently been shown to keep your brain sharp. A recent study found that a higher intake of fatty fish significantly reduced mental decline.  If fresh fish isn't an option, go for canned tuna, salmon, and sardines.

#CDC: #Cancer Scam #Pharma

Big Pharma Tells Millions of People They Have Cancer, and Then Sells Them Useless Treatments

The mainstream media and the CDC manage to feed the programming propaganda that Big Pharma controlled medical system, especially the lucrative cancer industry, need to maintain their profitable monopoly.
The business model is perfect. Convince everyone, with the help of media and its entertainment aspects, that only the allopathic “heroic intervention” model of “modern medicine” offers solutions for humanity’s health issues. Instead, offer treatments that usually worsen conditions or create other situations that demand more interventions and pharmaceutical “solutions”.

One of the most egregious manifestations of this programming is from the cancer industry, which competes with the vaccine industry’s lies supported by the CDC and media also.

The term cancer industry includes all those bogus “charitable” fund raising groups that profit from maintaining false hopes of finding that ever elusive cancer cure while suppressing hundreds of less expensive natural remedies that already exist without harmful side effects are kept from public awareness.

The medical monopoly considers germs the invading enemies of human and animal health while ignoring one’s immune system or “inner terrain”. Even cancer is considered a creeping crud that strikes the unlucky or genetically predisposed, even at the rate of more than one out of three expected to be diagnosed with cancer.

Mainstream medicine doesn’t bother looking at environmental and dietary issues within our plethora of modern maladies. Instead, only vaccinations with toxic ingredients are offered to “grant immunity”.

The Cancer Industry’s Lethal Consequences

The cancer industry thrives on dangerously drastic and expensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments while pharmaceutical companies do more research for more toxic applications. All of them have miserably low cure rates.

#Health Benefits of #Anal Stimulation In Your Sex Life

Reasons To Integrate Anal Stimulation Into Your Sex Life
A lot of people are nervous about anal sex, especially if they've never done it before. It's just a bit overwhelming, and you probably think of pain and poop and a whole lot of other stuff. Basically, there are lots of misconceptions around anal sex. And I would start to combat these by saying it doesn't have to be just sex. Integrating anal stimulation into your sex life can be amazing and interesting and novel, with no penetration required. If it leads to something more, fine, and if you end up just sticking to anal play with no penetration, that's fine too— it's all about what you want to do.

I get that you're going to feel awkward if you've never done it before. Maybe you want to jump right in, or maybe you want to stay in the shallow end (pun not intended, but appreciated). This is definitely one of those "talk it out" situations. Tell your partner that you're interested in trying it, but also explain what you and are't comfortable with to start with. Then you can play around without worrying they're going to go too far— set the boundaries before hand.

And if you're still not sure if you're interested in trying it, here are some massive reasons to incorporate anal stimulation, 

because you never need an excuse to buy more toys:

1. You Don't Need To Rush Into Anything
Anal play can seem really, really overwhelming if you're new to it, but don't think that as soon as you decide to explore that are you'll be having something massive in there two seconds later. In fact, one of the best parts of anal play is the outer area. As YouTuber Davey Wavey explains, most of the nerve endings are on the outside, so you don't even need to do anything penetrative to get the benefits. Let your fingers do a little roaming next time you're having sex or masturbating, just enjoy the sensitivity.

2. There Are A Whole Lot Of Options
Like I said, you don't have to get penetrative. You can stimulate the outside area with your mouth or with your fingers, and when it comes to penetrate you can use your finger or tongue. Plus, there's anal sex. So you can really play around and see what works for you.

3. For Men, It's A Game-Changer
Anal play isn't all one way. And in fact, it really makes more sense for you to do it on him, too. The male prostate is basically their G-spot— it's incredibly sensitive and is supposed to give them larger than life orgasms. So if you're in a hetero relationship, it's something you can explore together through a prostate massage or or even pegging, rather than 

feeling like the pressure is all on you.

4.... With A Lot Of Health Benefits
According to LELO, who design some of my favorite sex toys, there are a lot of benefits to prostate play for a man. And not just that it feels incredible and gives you ridiculously intense orgasms. Their site says that "regular prostate massage reduces the risk of prostatitis, prostate cancer, genital pain, symptoms of erectile dysfunction and frequent nighttime urination. In addition, it improves overall erectile function and increases seminal fluid and circulation." Need any more convincing?

5. It Doesn't Need To (And Shouldn't) Hurt
I'm sure you've heard about someone having anal sex that really hurt, and that's scary. But it really, really shouldn't. It can feel overwhelming or maybe uncomfortable at first, but it doesn't have to be painful. Make sure that you use a lot of lube and take your time, and also try fingering or something else before you go right in for anal sex. It doesn't need to be a problem, Sexologist and Marriage and Family Therapist Dr. Kat Van Kirk told Cosmopolitan, "Most of these experiences have to do with not following the above instructions: go slow, graduate in size and use lube. Plus, there is a nice trick to get you relaxed. If you also stimulate your clitoris at the same time it can encourage the pleasure over pain response."


6. It's An Excuse To Buy Fun Toys
For men and women, there are about a million fun toys that revolve around anal play. Plugs, beads, prostate massagers— if you start incorporating anal stimulation there's a whole new range of toys to discover.

7. Women Who Have Anal Sex May Have More Orgasms
I know that sounds like something made up by men to get women to have anal sex, but there could be a connection. The Journal Of Sexual Medicine reported that in findings from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior (NSSHB) 94 percent of women who had anal sex had an orgasm the last time they had sex, much higher than the average statistic. As Slate points out, it's hard to tell if this is because women who orgasm are more open to trying anal or if anal sex helps you reach orgasm, but it sounds like there may be a connection there worth testing out.

#Alzheimers #Dementia What Is Sundowning?

Sundowning is a symptom of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia. Confusion and agitation worsen in the late afternoon and evening, or as the sun goes down. Symptoms are less pronounced earlier in the day.

Sundowning most often affects people who have mid-stage and advanced dementia. The phenomenon of sundowning is also sometimes called “late-day confusion.” Reducing sundowning behavior can benefit both the person with dementia and the caregiver.

Light Up the Night

Sundowning is thought to be related to changes in the body’s circadian rhythms, or the sleep-wake cycle. Keeping your home brightly lit in the afternoon and evening may help reduce the symptoms of sundowning syndrome.

According to studies published in Clinical Geriatrics, people who were exposed to more light late in the day showed less agitation. Light exposure helps your body recognize the
difference between day and night.

Stay Active

Many people who suffer from sundowning syndrome have trouble sleeping. Elderly people who have dementia may not be very active during the day and may rest a lot. Daytime napping, confusion, and agitation can make it hard to settle down to sleep at night.

Fatigue is a common trigger for sundowning. Being well rested can help combat symptoms. Stay active during the day with activities geared to your level of physical and mental health to improve sleep quality and reduce sundowning symptoms.

Minimize Stress

Try to stay calm in the evening hours. Stick to simple activities that aren’t particularly challenging or frightening. Frustration and stress can add to confusion, delirium, and irritability in people who are affected by sundowning.

Put on soft music to create a calm and quiet environment. Watching television or reading a book may be too difficult for someone with dementia to follow.

Adjust Eating Patterns

You may be able to manage symptoms of sundowning by adjusting eating patterns and mealtimes. Large meals—especially those that contain caffeine and alcohol—can increase agitation and may keep you up at night. Enjoy these foods during lunch instead of dinner. Limit evening intake to a light snack that fills you up but won’t interfere with your rest.

Provide Comfort and Familiarity

Think back to the last time you were sick and wanted to surround yourself with comforting thoughts and objects. For someone with dementia, the world is suddenly a scary place. Comfort and familiarity are keys to helping your loved one through this difficult time.

Senior citizens who live with sundowning syndrome in a hospital or assisted living facility need comforting through the familiar objects of their everyday life. Bring cherished items such as blankets or family photos to the new facility to help ease the transition and curb symptoms.

Write It Down

Each person has different triggers for sundowning. As caretaker for someone in the earlier stages of dementia, you may not have figured out which triggers worsen your loved one’s behavior.

Keep a journal of activities, environment, and behavior to identify triggers. Once the triggers are known, it’s easier to avoid situations that promote agitation and confusion.

Caring for the Caretaker

Sundowning syndrome can be exhausting for the people who suffer from dementia as well as their caretakers. Caretakers need to take care of themselves too.

Ask your doctor or your loved one’s physician about respite care and support groups that will help you take time out for yourself occasionally. You’ll be in a better position to give your loved one the patience and support they need when you’re rested and healthy.