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#Wellness: Middle Aging in #Healthy Living for #longevity

Science of Wellness

Holistic Wellness and Healing. A Science of Lifestyle Change. Wellness and Longevity.
#Aging: Turning back the hands of time #wellness #longevityIt’s possible that the following writing will not cover all you hope to learn as regards a specific aspect of “Anti Aging”, but it will make you far more informed about “Anti Aging” in general. Thus, it doesn’t really matter what your key phrase is in relation to “Anti Aging”, whether it is “Aging Anti Beauty Product”, “Anti Aging Organic” or “Skin Products”, read this writing and you will be delighted with what you’ll see therein.It is interesting to note how excited about growing up you are when you are young. Then all of a sudden, all that begins to change when you notice you are growing old. Everyone hates old age, no doubts about it, especially because of the wrinkles associated with age. But don’t despair because there are many solutions out there that can help you manage the aging process and the wrinkles that come with it. Funny how the people who really want to look young even when they’re old are the same ones who are too lazy to do anything about it. Funny also how they happen to be the ones with the funds to see such a thing through. So they pay doctors and scientists for research into things that can make them live longer, if not forever. And hey the results that come out each and everyday show that science is making more progress into anti aging than was the case many years ago.However hard you try, you are bound to grow older. It’s the one thing, as they say, that goes up and never comes down. But with anti aging, you could slow the process, or you could make it look as though it wasn’t even happening.The remaining part of this piece has to add up the missing pieces about “Anti Aging” if the first part of this writing hasn’t. No doubts about it your “Eureka” moments are obviously ahead… as you keep on reading.As you grow older, you must learn better how to manage stress pattern in your body. If you fail at this, then there is no amount of cosmetic surgery that can save you from looking old. The worry lines will always show through no matter what you do. You will find all kinds of nutrition and physical fitness products in a convenience store that will help you with anti aging. Also some skin care lotions, hormone replacements, and vitamins are known to be helpful. You can top them off with various supplements and herbs. Some physicians recommend them for life extension programs.It is no surprise that Egyptians are among the first to show interest in life extension. Research shows that of the knowledge they had in the past, much was used to research into means of making life longer and finer. And when this failed, they at least contemplated carrying it over to the afterlife.

It’s possible that the following writing will not cover all you hope to learn as regards a specific aspect of “Anti Aging”, but it will make you far more informed about “Anti Aging” in general. Thus, it doesn’t really matter what your key phrase is in relation to “Anti Aging”, whether it is “Aging Anti Beauty Product”, “Anti Aging Organic” or “Skin Products”, read this writing and you will be delighted with what you’ll see therein.

It is interesting to note how excited about growing up you are when you are young. Then all of a sudden, all that begins to change when you notice you are growing old. Everyone hates old age, no doubts about it, especially because of the wrinkles associated with age. But don’t despair because there are many solutions out there that can help you manage the aging process and the wrinkles that come with it. Funny how the people who really want to look young even when they’re old are the same ones who are too lazy to do anything about it. Funny also how they happen to be the ones with the funds to see such a thing through. So they pay doctors and scientists for research into things that can make them live longer, if not forever. And hey the results that come out each and everyday show that science is making more progress into anti aging than was the case many years ago.

However hard you try, you are bound to grow older. It’s the one thing, as they say, that goes up and never comes down. But with anti aging, you could slow the process, or you could make it look as though it wasn’t even happening.
The remaining part of this piece has to add up the missing pieces about “Anti Aging” if the first part of this writing hasn’t. No doubts about it your “Eureka” moments are obviously ahead… as you keep on reading.
As you grow older, you must learn better how to manage stress pattern in your body. If you fail at this, then there is no amount of cosmetic surgery that can save you from looking old. The worry lines will always show through no matter what you do. You will find all kinds of nutrition and physical fitness products in a convenience store that will help you with anti aging. Also some skin care lotions, hormone replacements, and vitamins are known to be helpful. You can top them off with various supplements and herbs. Some physicians recommend them for life extension programs.

It is no surprise that Egyptians are among the first to show interest in life extension. Research shows that of the knowledge they had in the past, much was used to research into means of making life longer and finer. And when this failed, they at least contemplated carrying it over to the afterlife.
#Wellness: Middle Aging in #Healthy Living for #longevityHere we go for long healthy life.When a person reaches middle age, they sometimes look back at the wasted years. Sometimes a person may wonder how they obtained wrinkles, illnesses, crowfeet, cellulite and so on. As they continue to look back, they may wander why they didn’t take care of self. The answers were in front of you then, so instead of regretting your past starts taking steps to slow further aging now. How body fat causes aging: As we start to age normal body fat increases up to 30%. The fat will spread out over the body, which usually the stomach gets the highest volume of fat. The skin has less fat, which cause the skin to thin out. As the skin thins it causes wrinkles to occur. Unnatural wrinkles occur when a person smokes or else exposes the flesh excessively to the sun throughout their life. As the skin thins, the functions and the body form starts to disintegrate and aging continues to beg to be excused. Upon the declining phase internal organ reactions or functions, begin to decline as well. After a person turns 30, the body starts to send many other regrets. Declination continues downhill from there on out. The body’s functional reserves helps the healthy aging souls carry on, since particular organs can pull the weight. As the person ages throughout his or her life the person may need to take medications, vitamins, supplements, etc which due to the changes in the body the person may experience effects from illness, environment and toxins in the remedies and environment. This is because the immune system has weakened. As we grow older, the kidneys weaken as well. For this reason the body is incapable of dismissing poisons that come from environmental elements. A person can benefit from CHIRO-KLEENZ at this point to maintain a healthier system. The herbal tea works to detoxify your system while trimming the poisons and unhealthy elements that you acquire. The tea is great for cleaning out the entire system. As we grow older, our body is unable to remove the medicines or drugs taking, which is why you would want to try CHIRO-KLEENZ. Since many people engage in lifestyles deskbound these days or sedentary and many people smoke, use drugs, drink excessively, eat unhealthy, etc, it is often hard for experts to determine normal healthy aging from unnatural aging. When a person lives unnatural lifestyles the anatomy and the physiology aspects are overtly affected. This means that the nerve cells decline its action, which affects the basic useful unit of the Central Nervous System. (CNS) The neurons make up the cell bodies. The cells die, which are replaced by living cells. As we age, the dying cells gather and the living cells fail to reproduce newer cells to replace the older cells. This mark can lead a person to cancer, or other types of deadly diseases. For the reason you want to learn remedies, about vitamins, supplements, etc that restore dying cells. Of course you are not capable of stopping nature from finally stopping living cells altogether, but you do have a chance to slow natures process. One of the best solutions is exercise. Studies have shown that exercise is the number one reason that people survive many diseases and aging. Once the cell bodies are affected, the dendrites in the brain start to decline also. When the dendrites start to decline it is a sure sign that mental confusions will follow. When dendrites are affected in the brain, other areas of the brain are affected as well. As you can see the chain of declination continues to decline until it finally reaches the main regions of the bodily functions.

Here we go for long healthy life.
When a person reaches middle age, they sometimes look back at the wasted years. Sometimes a person may wonder how they obtained wrinkles, illnesses, crowfeet, cellulite and so on. As they continue to look back, they may wander why they didn’t take care of self. The answers were in front of you then, so instead of regretting your past starts taking steps to slow further aging now. 

How body fat causes aging:
As we start to age normal body fat increases up to 30%. The fat will spread out over the body, which usually the stomach gets the highest volume of fat. The skin has less fat, which cause the skin to thin out. As the skin thins it causes wrinkles to occur. Unnatural wrinkles occur when a person smokes or else exposes the flesh excessively to the sun throughout their life. As the skin thins, the functions and the body form starts to disintegrate and aging continues to beg to be excused. Upon the declining phase internal organ reactions or functions, begin to decline as well. After a person turns 30, the body starts to send many other regrets. Declination continues downhill from there on out. The body’s functional reserves helps the healthy aging souls carry on, since particular organs can pull the weight.
As the person ages throughout his or her life the person may need to take medications, vitamins, supplements, etc which due to the changes in the body the person may experience effects from illness, environment and toxins in the remedies and environment. This is because the immune system has weakened. As we grow older, the kidneys weaken as well. For this reason the body is incapable of dismissing poisons that come from environmental elements. A person can benefit from CHIRO-KLEENZ at this point to maintain a healthier system. The herbal tea works to detoxify your system while trimming the poisons and unhealthy elements that you acquire. The tea is great for cleaning out the entire system. As we grow older, our body is unable to remove the medicines or drugs taking, which is why you would want to try CHIRO-KLEENZ. 

Since many people engage in lifestyles deskbound these days or sedentary and many people smoke, use drugs, drink excessively, eat unhealthy, etc, it is often hard for experts to determine normal healthy aging from unnatural aging. When a person lives unnatural lifestyles the anatomy and the physiology aspects are overtly affected. This means that the nerve cells decline its action, which affects the basic useful unit of the Central Nervous System. (CNS) The neurons make up the cell bodies. The cells die, which are replaced by living cells. As we age, the dying cells gather and the living cells fail to reproduce newer cells to replace the older cells. This mark can lead a person to cancer, or other types of deadly diseases. For the reason you want to learn remedies, about vitamins, supplements, etc that restore dying cells. Of course you are not capable of stopping nature from finally stopping living cells altogether, but you do have a chance to slow natures process. One of the best solutions is exercise. Studies have shown that exercise is the number one reason that people survive many diseases and aging. 

Once the cell bodies are affected, the dendrites in the brain start to decline also. When the dendrites start to decline it is a sure sign that mental confusions will follow. When dendrites are affected in the brain, other areas of the brain are affected as well. As you can see the chain of declination continues to decline until it finally reaches the main regions of the bodily functions.

#Dementia, #alzheimer's: Exercise to Improve Your #Brain Health

Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health

Many of the same health problems that lead to heart disease – high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes – also increase the risk of cognitive decline. All of these conditions decrease blood flow to the brain, and they put you in danger of having a stroke, another major risk factor for cognitive decline.

Using Exercise to Improve Your Mental Health

Yet all of them may be helped to some extent by exercise. Still, the advantages of exercise don't stop there. Here are a few more ways in which exercise can sharpen your brain power.
It spurs brain growth.

As we get older, the birth of new brain cells slows, and our brain tissue actually shrinks. Exercise may be able to reverse that trend. One brain-scanning study of 59 healthy but sedentary people aged 60 to 79 showed significant increases in brain volume after six months of aerobic fitness training, whereas no such changes occurred among controls who did only stretching and toning exercises. The researchers concluded that the improved cardiovascular fitness that comes with aerobic exercise is associated with fewer age-related changes in the brains of older people.
It increases your sensitivity to insulin.

When you eat, your body turns most of the food into glucose, or blood sugar, the main source of fuel for your body, including your brain. In order for that glucose to enter cells, it must be accompanied by the hormone insulin. Unfortunately, in some people, cells become resistant to insulin. The body has to pump out more and more of it, and still blood sugar levels rise, often resulting in Type 2 diabetes. Even if you don't develop diabetes, insulin resistance is bad for your brain. When brain cells are flooded by glucose, it can adversely affect memory and thinking.

Regular exercise can actually reverse insulin resistance. In fact, your insulin sensitivity increases – stabilising your blood sugar after you eat – for at least 16 hours after a single exercise session. The better your blood-sugar control, the more protected you are against age-related cognitive decline.
It boosts brain-building hormones.

Much like plant food makes plants grow faster and lusher, the chemical known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, stimulates the growth and proliferation of brain cells. This is especially true in the hippocampus, a region of the brain that is largely responsible for memory and which is particularly vulnerable to age-related cognitive decline. The more you exercise, the more BDNF you produce.
It fights depression and anxiety.

Depression slows the brain's ability to process information, makes it more difficult for us to concentrate and reach decisions, and causes real memory problems. For serious depression, your doctor may prescribe antidepressants. For milder cases, however, exercise has been shown to work wonders. It cranks up the body's production of serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters crucial to upbeat, motivated moods. And it boosts levels of the feel-good chemicals called endorphins.
It reduces the effects of stress.

If some hormones make the brain younger, others age the brain. These include the so-called stress hormone cortisol. Slow, scattered thinking and forgetfulness are caused by stress more often than we may realise. Exercise lowers cortisol levels, helping you to think straight again. It is also believed to generate new nerve cells in the part of the brain called the dentate gyrus, an area of the hippocampus linked to the creation of new memories. Brain cells here are seriously depleted during times of stress.
It improves your brain's ‘executive function.’

Executive function isn't reserved just for company directors; everyone uses it every day. Essentially, it's the cognitive abilities that enable us to act like grown-ups, including the ability to focus on complex tasks, to organise, to choose behaviour that's appropriate to a given situation, to think abstractly, to meet deadlines and to plan for future events. It also encompasses working memory, such as the ability to keep a phone number in your head while you dial.

When researchers set out to analyse the effects of exercise on executive function, they looked at 18 well-designed studies and found that, in men and women aged 55 to 80, those who did regular exercise (particularly a combination of cardio and strength training) performed four times better on cognitive tests than the studies' control groups, who didn't exercise regularly. They improved their individual scores by a solid 50 per cent regardless of the type of cognitive task. The effects were greatest among those who had exercised for 30 to 45 minutes each session for longer than six months, but substantial benefits were apparent after only four weeks of exercise.

#Diabetic: Foods to avoid, Control #diabetes. #diabetics

Hi readers, Shawn here to give advice on foods to avoid, control diabetes. 
Health Molder

The excessive use of fats has been linked to development of diabetes. A recent study at the University of Colorado Health Science Center, USA found that intake of an extra 40g of fat day increases the chances of developing diabetes by three times. Fat rich diet, especially one saturated with animal fat, seems to damage the insulin’s effectiveness. Research at the University of Sydney in Australia measured the saturated fatty acids in the muscles cells of older non-diabetic men and the women undergoing surgery and found that higher the presence of saturated fatty acids in the cells, the greater the insulin resistance. On the other hand, higher tissue levels of polyunsaturated fats, particularly fish oil, indicated better insulin activity and lower resistance. Fish oil differs from animal fats in that fish oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. One of the fatty acids called omega-3 is especially good for the heart—it lowers cholesterol and protects from atherosclerosis. In fact, the researchers also reported that intake of omega-3 fish oil to the subjects effectively overcame their insulin resistance.

In another study, Jennifer Lovejoy, assistance professor at Louisiana State of University, USA, studied and the eating habits and insulin activity among 45 non-diabetic men and women. About half of them were obese and the remaining half of normal weight. In both cases, higher fat consumption increased insulin resistance. This indicates, says Dr. Lovejoy, that even normal individuals who decrease their insulin efficiency and boost their vulnerability to diabetes.

Meat and Meat Foods

One of the most important nutrition guidelines to follow is to “eat less saturated fat.” A quick and simple way to do that is to eliminate meat products. They are high both in saturated fat and cholesterol content. People with diabetes have a greater risk of heart disease earlier in life. The practically useless calories added by saturated fats contribute to above normal body weight and obesity, putting a diabetic at greater of heart disease.

Flesh foods are extremely harmful for diabetes. They increase the toxemic condition underlying the diabetic state and reduce the sugar tolerance. Most diseases of the human body are caused by autointoxication of self-poisoning. The flesh of animals increases the burden on the organs of elimination and overloads and system with animal waste matter and poisons. Chemical analysis has shown that uric acid and other uric poisons contained in the animal body are almost identical to caffeine and nicotine, the poisonous, stimulating principles of coffee, tea and tobacco.

The renowned journal Lancet, reports that a patient of diabetes must be persuaded to consume less animal foods. However, in cold countries where meat and mat products constitute the bulk of the diet, patients of diabetes should limit their intake of animal products to eggs and white meal like fish and poultry. Even their use of should be kept to the minimum; all red meat and red meat products should be eliminated from the diet.

#Diabetes: What I Recommend #insulin #diabetics and #diabetic Strength

To reverse and/or contain diabetes.
I recommend the following activities.
Shawn Jackson: Health Molder 

Two types of physical activity are most important for managing diabetes: aerobic exercise and strength training.
Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise helps your body use insulin better. It makes your heart and bones strong, relieves stress, improves blood circulation, and reduces your risk for heart disease by lowering blood glucose and blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels.

We Recommend: Aiming for 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic exercise at least 5 days a week or a total of 150 minutes per week. Spread your activity out over at least 3 days during the week and try not to go more than 2 days in a row without exercising.

Note: Moderate intensity means that you are working hard enough that you can talk, but not sing, during the activity. Vigorous intensity means you cannot say more than a few words without pausing for a breath during the activity.

Get Started
If you haven't been very active recently, you can start out with 5 or 10 minutes a day. Then, increase your activity sessions by a few minutes each week. Over time, you'll see your fitness improve, and you'll find that you're able to do more.

If you are just starting out, you may want to check out our starting walking plan.
Find the Time

If your busy schedule doesn't allow you to exercise for a 30-minute period during the day, you have the option to break it up into bouts of 10 minutes or more. Research has shown that the health benefits are similar when you do this!

For example, you might take a brisk 10-minute walk after each meal. Or you could try doing 15 minutes of aerobics in the morning before work and another 15 minutes when you get home.

If you are trying to lose weight and keep it off, most people need to do closer to 60 minutes of aerobic exercise per day.

Below are some examples of aerobic activities:

  •     Brisk walking (outside or inside on a treadmill)
  •     Bicycling/Stationary cycling indoors
  •     Dancing
  •     Low-impact aerobics
  •     Swimming or water aerobics
  •     Playing tennis
  •     Stair climbing
  •     Jogging/Running
  •     Hiking
  •     Rowing
  •     Ice-skating or roller-skating
  •     Cross-country skiing
  •     Moderate-to-heavy gardening

Strength Training

Strength training (also called resistance training) makes your body more sensitive to insulin and can lower blood glucose. It helps to maintain and build strong muscles and bones, reducing your risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures.

The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn – even when your body is at rest.

Preventing muscle loss by strength training is also the key to maintaining an independent lifestyle as you age.

We Recommend: doing some type of strength training at least 2 times per week in addition to aerobic activity.

Below are examples of strength training activities:

  •     Weight machines or free weights at the gym
  •     Using resistance bands
  •     Lifting light weights or objects like canned goods or water bottles at home
  •     Calisthenics or exercises that use your own body weight to work your muscles (examples are pushups, sit ups, squats, lunges, wall-sits and planks)
  •     Classes that involve strength training
  •     Other activities that build and keep muscle like heavy gardening

There are other types of activity that you can add to your fitness routine. Learn more about activity throughout the day, stretching and balance exercises.

#Diabetics: #Insulin Resistance Symptoms #diabetes, #diabetic

What you need to know about insulin resistance!
By:Shawn Jackson 

Aside from the well known association of insulin resistance with the metabolic syndrome, abdominal obesity, elevated cholesterol levels, and high blood pressure; there are several other medical conditions that are associated with insulin resistance specifically. While the associations are clear, whether insulin resistance is the cause of these conditions is not yet known.
Type 2 Diabetes

While insulin resistance is usually seen long before diabetes develops, in cases in which medical attention has lapsed, insulin resistance can present as type 2 diabetes.
Fatty liver

The accumulation of fat in the liver is a manifestation of the disordered control of lipids that occurs with insulin resistance. The extent of liver damage can range from mild to severe. Newer evidence suggests that fatty liver may even lead to cirrhosis of the liver, and possibly liver cancer.

Insulin resistance is one of the factors associated with arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis, also known as atherosclerosis, is a process of progressive thickening and hardening of the walls of medium-sized and large arteries. Arteriosclerosis is responsible for:

    coronary artery disease (angina and heart attack),
    strokes, and
    peripheral vascular disease.

Skin Lesions

Skin lesions include an increased number of skin tags and a condition called acanthosis nigricans - a darkening and thickening of the skin, especially in fold areas such as the neckline and axilla. This condition is directly related to the insulin resistance, though the exact causal mechanism is not known.
Reproductive abnormalities in women

Reproductive abnormalities include difficulty with ovulation and conception (infertility), irregular menses, or a cessation of menses. A condition that is significantly associated with insulin resistance is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a problem that affects young women. It is associated with irregular periods or no periods at all, obesity, and increased growth of body hair. In contrast to women, there are no known reproductive abnormalities in men associated with insulin resistance.

High levels of male hormones in women, which are produced by the ovaries, can been seen in insulin resistance and may play a role in PCOS as described above. The high levels of insulin seen in insulin resistance causes the abnormal ovarian hormone production of testosterone and other hormones.
Growth abnormalities

There may be growth effects in insulin resistance due to the high levels of circulating insulin that may be present. While insulin's effects on glucose metabolism may be impaired, its effects on other mechanisms may be intact (or at least less impaired). Insulin can exert effects on growth, through a mediator known as insulin- like growth factor -1. Individuals may have actual linear growth in height and a noticeable coarsening of features. The increased incidence of skin tags mentioned above may be due to this mechanism as well.

#Diabetes Effective Natural Treatment. #diabetics #insulin

Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for daily life requirements. It is still a mystery the cause of diabetes although genetically and environmentally influence such as not enough exercise and obesity play a role. 

To understand diabetes, it is good to learn something about pancreas, the long and thin situated behind our stomach. Pancreas is responsible for regulating the body’s use of glucose. It has two main functions: firstly to produce pancreatic endocrine hormones which assist in regulating our metabolism and secondly to produce pancreatic digestive enzymes. 

 When the blood glucose levels begin to rise, it is insulin’s job to push muscle and fat cells to absorb whatever glucose they need for future activities whereas any surplus will store by the liver. There are some individuals either do not produce enough insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or their body resists whatever insulin is produced (Type 2 diabetes), thus an outside source production is necessary. 

Either way, the result is the same. Type 1 or also know as juvenile-onset diabetes, typically affects children and young adults and is genetically-linked. Type 2 which also known as adult-onset diabetes occurs in adults and is linked to obesity. Symptoms of both types include blurred vision, fatigue, frequent, bladder infections, increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, nausea, skin infections, vaginitis and vomiting. If not treated, diabetes type 1 and 2, can cause blood vessel damage, gangrene, heart attack, kidney damage, nerve damage, stork and vision problems.

How Glucosium Can Help: Glucosium is a popular diabetes treatment of natural ingredients which can help control blood sugar, stimulate your body’s insulin production, limit nerve damage and much more. This revolutionary supplement has shown amazing benefits for people with diabetes, as well as preventative properties for those who are exposed to a higher risk for diabetes. Last advice: do exercise, eat right and supplement your body with the proper nutrients that help your body to produce the insulin it was supposed to have.

#Diabetic: Get Rid Of Your #Diabetes #insulin #diabetics

Today, there are at least 35 million people living with diabetes in America and the sad part is that it is possible to prevent and heal pre-diabetes and diabetes type 2 naturally with balanced nutrition, and basic exercise.

People at risk of getting the disease drop by a staggering 60 percent if they manage to lose just 10 pounds by following a healthy diet and engage in regular exercise such as walking, according to a report published in the New England Journal of Medicine. (May 3, 2010).


This term means that you are at risk for getting type 2 diabetes and also heart disease.

The good news is if you have pre-diabetes you can reduce the risk of getting diabetes type 2 and even return to normal blood glucose levels if you follow the guidelines in this article.

Type 2 diabetes

Formerly called adult-onset diabetes, this is the most common form of diabetes. This form of diabetes usually begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which the body cannot use insulin properly. People can develop this type of diabetes at any age and is usually associated with today’s modern lifestyle of fast food, stress and no exercise.

Being overweight and inactive increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes dramatically. Traditional treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, aspirin daily, and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol with prescription drugs.

But with modest weight loss and moderate daily physical activity, you can delay or even prevent type 2 diabetes and lead a normal life. Lets look at a few steps you can use straight away in your daily life that will make a big difference to your condition.

Strength Training – Researchers have reported a 23% increase in glucose uptake after four months of strength training. Because poor glucose metabolism is associated with adult onset diabetes, improved glucose metabolism is an important benefit of regular strength exercise.

Nowadays you do not have to live in a gym to put on functional muscle. Short High Intensity sessions performed once a week is all that is required to improve glucose metabolism and lose weight.

The strength training technique I use requires just twenty to thirty mins per week. Gone are the days of the five-day a week program with 6 to 12 sets per body part that, method has never worked. One short intense strength-training workout a week will elevate your metabolism more than you ever thought possible.

The two main components of this technique are the intensity of the exercise and the recovery after the exercise. Infrequent, short, high intensity weight training sessions, followed by the required amount of time to recover and become stronger is what is needed to increase functional lean muscle and improve glucose metabolism.

Nutrition – The way to lose body fat and maintain muscle is to have a food program for life. Quality food and more energy output are the basics you’ll need to go for. Bulk foods that fill you up and don’t fill you out, foods that are low in fat and sugar which aren’t refined should be the ideal.

Small frequent meals should be consumed during the day each containing a little protein to maintain muscle and energy levels. Foods with vital vitamin and mineral supplements should also be taken on a daily basis. A high quality broad-spectrum vitamin and mineral supplement should also be taken on a daily basis.

As before get the calories from high quality food but if you can’t, utilize a blender to make concoctions from skim milk with whatever additives you want to use, just as long as you keep count of the calories for your daily total.

Now use these blender mixtures and solid food for your daily feedings. Spread it out over many small meals a day instead of the traditional three meals a day. The way to keep track of weight loss is to buy a calorie counter and record your daily calorie intake for a week.

Exercise – Fat is burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise. When the exercise is done slowly to moderately then the majority of energy is taken from the fat stores.

The key to effective aerobic training that burns off maximum fat is long-term consistency not intensity. It doesn’t matter if you run a mile, jog a mile or walk a mile you will burn exactly the same amount of calories.

The best exercise by far for the purpose of fat-loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Other aerobic activities are the treadmill, bike, climber or any other training gear found in or out of the Gym.

You can do a lot to lower your chances of getting diabetes. By exercising regularly, reducing fat from your diet and losing weight can all help you reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

#Wellness diet to treat #vaginal #infection #longevity

If you believe that yeast infection is something that you only get from direct contact with someone that has it, then think again. There are a number of possible causes of yeast infection. Among the possibilities include using oral contraceptive pills, taking oral steroids, about to get your period, being a diabetic, use of applications like soap, douche, hygiene products, and wearing tight, damp, and/or warm clothing. There are a number of solutions to treat the infection. But unknown to some, having the correct diet to treat yeast infection is also as important.

Detoxing, that would be the more appropriate term when it comes to a yeast infection diet. Yeast infection is a direct result of an overgrowth in some areas of a natural occurring microorganism, or Candida albicans as it is known in the scientific community. There may be some variations in the suggested diet but most often than not, with a strict adherence to the regimen, it is possible to encounter some relief from the infection in as early as three weeks.

One of the basic necessities in diet programs is drinking adequate amounts of water. Water is an important aspect of detoxing. It helps flush out the toxins inside the body. It has been also suggested that fresh fruit juices and even green tea be added to the liquid intake. But emphasis is given to drinking at least eight glasses of water per day.

It is also important to eat food that is fresh. It would be best to void processed and highly fatty foods, not only for your yeast infection but for your general health as well. Don’t overcook your food as well. Foods have a tendency to loose much of its nutrients when heat is applied so be sure to cook your food just right. Steamed and sautéed would be the ideal cooking preparations. Vegetables don’t need cooking, just make it a salad and you’re ready to go. However, we do suggest that you avoid eating sweet vegetables like carrots, corn, potatoes, onions, and sweet potatoes. 

Eat a lot of garlic. Garlic contains antibacterial properties which help in eliminating the overgrowth of yeast. Be generous with your fresh greens and limit your intake of meat. Fish, beef, lamb, poultry and eggs are okay in moderation. It has been suggested that an ideal serving of meat should be no larger than half the size of your palm. Adding more to this portion would be too asking to your digestive organs.

Sometimes there are other foods that you would like to include in your diet. Eating the foods you like will not affect much your diet as long as you eat them in moderation and in relatively small portions. Yogurt is something that you could add as well as small servings of brown rice or buckwheat.

For condiments, sea salt is okay as well as pure virgin olive oil. In fact, you can be liberal with the use of olive oil. Fresh ginger can be a good condiment for your yeast problem as well. Plus you can use it in a number of dishes like salads, tofu, meat dishes, and soups. Not only does it contain properties that might help treat the infection, but it is generally good for your digestion as well.

A good diet to treat yeast infection is a necessary step in the general treatment of the infection. You must learn to be healthy when it comes to your hygiene and the food you eat.

#Wellness tips to prevent #Yeast #Infection #Longevity

It’s not that difficult really. There are a number of simple and easy to follow ways in preventing yeast infection. You don’t have to make things as complicated as they sound. Simple, straight to the point prevention tips as well as solutions or cure can help make your life a lot easier and a lot comfortable compared to having a yeast infection. A couple of tips to prevent yeast infection are to follow so sit tight and continue reading.

Yeast infection results from the increase growth of the fungi Candida. The fungus is present in most of us so there’s no actual ways of preventing contact with the said bacteria. However, what you can avoid is having contact with a moist environment. Fungus grows well in a warm, most environment, and Candida is not an exception.

Among the things that you better avoid in order to prevent the full development of the infection includes wet clothing especially bating suits. These are quite obvious since we just mentioned that fungus likes growing in warm and wet environment. Tight fitted pants, most especially jeans are a no-no. You should avoid leotards and spandex as well. The tight contact of the clothes to your skin prevents the area to breathe. The close skin contact also might cause some uncomfortable feelings and also trigger some reactions worsening the situation.

Nylon material on your underwear is also a good thing to avoid. Cotton would be ideal choice being clean and has a fabric that allows breathing space. Likewise, avoid pantyhose. Or you really want to wear pantyhose, just wear cotton underwear underneath.

Other tips that we suggest cover your personal hygiene. Keeping yourself clean especially down there is something that all women should do. Keeping your vagina clean and dry  after you take a bath or a shower will help prevent the unnecessary growth of the Candida fungus. If you’re accustomed in using deodorant napkins, perfumed tampons, or other feminine hygiene products that have been colored or perfumed, start avoiding them right away. Stick with the all natural stuff. It’s better for you, for the environment, and especially better for me.

If you have a pretty active sex life, be sure to insist using condoms. Although yeas infection is not a sexually transmitted disease, having safe sex is just a good advice. Okay, let’s move on shall we?

Normally medicines should be good for you but in order to prevent yeast infection, it is best to avoid antibiotics since this will upset the balance of microorganism in your body favoring the growth of the Candida fungus. Unless prescribed by your doctor, stay away from antibiotic pills for a while.

Also, foods high in carbohydrates and sugar are a source of food for the yeast as well. So unless you want to keep feeding your yeast something that will help it grow, then you better stick with some fresh foods like vegetables and fruits for a while. Also, in eating your food, it has been recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables separately from cooked food. When you combined cooked and fresh, the food will tend to ferment in your stomach. The fermented food will harbor the growth of more bacteria aside from the fungus that you already have.

The more you should learn t control your food intake if you are diabetic. Monitoring and keeping the appropriate amounts of sugar level is a good way to keep you healthy as well as keep the fungus at bay.

These are but a few tips to prevent yeast infection. As you move along your research, you will get to know more about the techniques that can be used to avoid yeast infection as well as other methods that would help you cure the infection, in case you already have one.

A #Wellness Look into #Yeast #Infections #Longevity

What may arguably be the most commonly known yeast infection or form of candidiasis in the world today is thrush, which affects mostly female genitalia. (It is rare, though not impossible, for men to contract the disease.) But yeast infections actually do not limit themselves to either gender, and simply affect certain areas of the human body.

Yeast infections are infections confined specifically to the skin or mucous-like membrane, caused in human beings by a genus of fungi called Candida. It appears in laboratory-cultured agar plates as large, round colonies colored white, cream or whitish-gray. One of its most famous (or rather infamous) species is Candida albicans, though it must be noted that Candida albicans is not the only species that causes yeast infections in human beings.

Candida albicans lives peacefully with other flora in the human body, its growth kept in check by a certain bacteria. It makes its home inside the dark, warm, wet areas of the body. This is why yeast infections are found in areas such as the ears, the mouth, the blood, the gastrointestinal or “gut” area – and yes, the area “down there.” However, it also likes human skin, particularly warm, wet sections which like skin folds and armpits. 

Candidiasis is also called “yeast infection” is because Candida albicans’ normal form is that of single oval yeast cells. When in yeast form, it duplicates itself through budding. This means the cells create genetic clones of themselves through bulbs that “grow” out of them. These bulbs stay attached to the parent cells for a while before letting go.

So what actually causes yeast infection? First, the human body’s temperature must be at a specific level and the pH levels must be balanced, two of the conditions necessary for Candida albicans and its partner bacteria to grow without disturbing other flora. But when the temperature and pH levels change, these bacteria die. This leaves the Candida albicans cells free to change into fungi and to replicate with no control over themselves.

Candida albicans fungi mark their territories during this population boom by causing any of these sensations: burning, itching, soreness, or tingling. Sometimes, two of these sensations can be felt at once. It’s a bad idea to scratch the irritated areas, since this act would only compound the overgrowth of the fungi.

Other signs include fatigue, drowsiness, muscle aches, pain or swelling in the joints, dizziness, fluid retention, tissue swelling, loss of balance, lack of coordination, lack of concentration, poor memory, mood swings, depression, anxiety, irritability, and cravings for sugars, carbohydrates and alcohol. But these are also common symptoms for other sicknesses, so they must be taken into consideration along with more reliable indicators.

The overgrowth also causes specific side-effects in afflicted areas. To name a few, yeast infections create white-or cream-colored patches inside the mouth, reaching as far as the soft palate. They cause digestion problems and make even bowel movement difficult. Afflicted penises have patchy sores near the head or on the foreskin. Candidiasis is also responsible for discharges from the ear, the bowels (in the stool) and the genitalia.

Yeast infections can cause serious, sometimes even fatal, diseases. This is particularly true for sufferers with weakened or underdeveloped immune systems, diabetes, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). However, sufferers can be permanently cured through immediate and proper diagnosis and medication.

#Gestational #Diabetes – Risks for Moms during #Pregnancy #diabetics

Even though in most cases gestational diabetes is temporary and is rectified after your baby is born, it is still serious and needs to be managed properly.  You will have the
support of your doctor and most likely an endocrinologist and a dietician but the actual work of eating properly and exercising falls into your lap. There are risks for your baby
if you don’t and risks for yourself too.

For moms, the knowledge that having gestational diabetes can cause complications for their unborn child is incentive enough to stick to the diet and exercise even when they are
too tired to do so.  But, it needs to be done for you too.

One of the complications that is associated with gestational diabetes is high-blood pressure that can lead to preeclampsia in pregnancy – dangerous to both mom and baby. 
When a baby becomes bigger than average due to mismanaged diabetes during pregnancy, the large size is not good for the mother.  It can lead to a more complicated delivery where the baby could be hurt or the mother can have a third or fourth degree tear due to the baby’s size.  If a baby is considered macrosomic (a term that means obese) it
increases the chances that the mother is going to have to have a caesarian section.  Having a caesarian section is major surgery and comes with all the risks associated with that including infection. 

Having gestational diabetes with one pregnancy significantly increases the chances that you will have it again with subsequent pregnancies.  It is wise to be tested for the disease as soon as you fall pregnant to ensure the healthiest pregnancy for both you and your baby.  It is best to follow the diabetic diet you were given from your first pregnancy as
soon as you know or even before you become pregnant again.