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Ease #Stress, #Depression & #Anxiety

5 Quick Ways To Ease #Stress, #Depression & #Anxiety

No ceremony with this article, let's go straight into five quick ways that will help you find relief from stress, depression and anxiety.

1. Take regular breaks from the firing line. Working hard without regular breaks is a great way to build up stress and tension. Make sure you have at least one 15-minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon as well as at least 20 minutes for lunch. If possible, eat lunch away from your workstation. Equally, if you have a lot to deal with in your life right now, taking a day, or a weekend elsewhere longer if you can - to get some breathing space will really help. Even just a day away from the firing line will enable you to get some distance from the problems and help you to gather your thoughts.

2. Regular exercise can help relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Exercise releases endorphins into your system and will give you a natural boost. It will also provide you with a break from brooding and dwelling upon problems and troubles but only if you perform the right kind of exercises. Avoid: Exercises that allow you to brood (weight lifting, jogging, treadmills) and perform exercises that require your full concentration. Competitive sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and circuit training are all excellent examples. It is important that you do not brood when you exercise because although you will be benefiting physically, you are still stressing yourself mentally and the stress, depression and anxiety will worsen.

3. Stop beating yourself up. Self-deprecation is a huge part of stress, depression and anxiety. Each time you beat up on yourself, you will erode confidence and self-esteem. Never tell yourself you're useless, worthless, stupid, hopeless, boring, ugly, and a loser. Never convince yourself that other people hate you, that others find you difficult to be around and that you're better off being alone. You would never deem it acceptable to say such things to other people and you must deem it equally unacceptable to say them to yourself. These words and phrases are powerful and they will hurt you. Accept you're not perfect and that you make mistakes just like everybody else does and cut yourself some slack. From this day, make a pact with me to never indulge self-deprecation ever again. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE.

4. Isolation is another problem experienced by stress, depression and anxiety sufferers. OK, there will be times when you just want your own company. During such times, you can brood over and over again on problems and events and beat yourself up for hours on end. Not good. Instead, use isolation more positively. Occupy your mind by tackling a jigsaw puzzle, a logic problem, a crossword, read a book or perform a hobby such as painting, playing a musical instrument or whatever it is you have an interest in. In this way, isolation will help you to grow instead of causing you further pain.

5. Television, radio and newspapers can all supply you with a daily hit of negativity and help lower your mood. In the main, they concentrate on the negative side of life: crime, corruption, war, scandal and natural disasters and can give you a distorted view of reality. Not to mention the amount of image manipulation they subject you to. Give yourself a break from this negative drip feed and avoid them completely for one week. You may find, like I have, that they have no place in your life after that. Trust me, you won't miss them.

That's five, quick tips for you to help fight stress, depression and anxiety. Please give them a try, they'll all help to boost your mood levels very quickly indeed.

Activities Promoting #Healthy #Aging. #Health #wellness #longevity

Lack of activities can prevent you from living healthy. When you do not enjoy activities, you may feel fatigue or find it difficult to sleep at night. When you awake in the morning, you may feel tired until you finally fall asleep. As we, age our body change and we have to make changes to accommodate our lives.

Having a good night sleep makes the mind think more clearly. A good night sleep also boosts your energy while controlling your weight. You can also make decisions with less stress. Sleeping well at night makes our immune system stronger to keep us healthier.  Researchers have proved that a good nights sleep is necessary for our health.  Researchers have found that lack of sleep reduces the growth hormones in our bodies, since it changes muscles to fat. Sleep overall is most important, yet it stands behind activities. To improve your health, try walking each day. 

Walking will help to loosen our muscles, reduces stress and depression along with anxiety. By reliving these things, it will help us to sleep for a longer and deeper period.  So, when we wake up in the morning we feel happier and more rested.

When you exercise, you get a good night sleep, which promotes metabolism. Without the right amount of sleep, our bodies crave energy. Our body will release insulin or glucose into the bloodstream, which slows down metabolism. This action causes the body to gain weight, rather than control weight.  

When a person feels exhausted, they will feel weak and repressed from enjoying activities. This leads to additional problems. Sleeping right balances out our bodies giving us, more energy leading to more activities that will satisfy our sleep needs.

What to avoid:
To rest proper and feel active you must reduce your intake of caffeine, nicotine, harmful chemicals, such as over-the-counter meds that keep you awake, alcohol and so on. The chemicals and substances will keep you awake. Try to avoid drinking anything after 8 p.m. in the evening. Nicotine should be avoid if possible, yet if you must smoke try to avoid smoking after 8 p.m. 

Start a walking program in the morning to help wake you up, while boosting your energy. You will feel better since the joints will feel flexible enough to move freely. In addition, walking will help you burn fat and calories. You'll notice a big change in how you feel the rest of the day.  Start out walking at a slow steady pace for as far as your comfortable.  Each day pick up the pace a bit and walk further. Just remember when walking that you want to work up to a steady brisk walk to make you sweat but not out of breath. Take a short walk before and after meals to calm your nerves, and burn calories too, it will give you energy, relieve that stress from the long day and help you sleep.

If you start a walking program for yourself, it is a lot more fun if you have someone to go with you. Talk to that neighbor you don't know and maybe they'll walk with you. Just think about it; you'll be acquainted with someone new, talk about new things will relieve stress and get in you exercise as well. This might help that neighbor too who maybe hasn't seen or talked to anyone in a couple of days and than they can sleep better at night. 

After walking that brisk walk your doing be sure to cool down. When walking at a vigorous pace your heart rate will go up and it needs to be back to normal. Just walk a bit slow and relaxing until you've cooled down. 

If you can't go to sleep at night instead of getting up and turning on the TV try pacing around the house. Do some stretching and shake your arms and legs. Even walking around the house can relax you especially when everyone else is in bed and you can relax more.

Preventing #Diabetes after having #Gestational Diabetes #Healthful

After having a taste of what it is like to have diabetes while pregnant you probably want to do what you can to avoid getting type 2 diabetes.  The management of diabetes isn't hard but the complications that can occur and having to take insulin daily can take their toll.  The good news is there are things that you can do to lessen the chances that you will not be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

The same methods that were used during your pregnancy to manage your diabetes can be  utilized to help prevent you getting diabetes later in life.  Eating a balanced diet is good advice for anyone but for someone that could get diabetes it is even more important.   Small meals that include multiple food groups and combining them whenever possible  with protein are better choices than large unbalanced meals.

Physical exercise will continue to play a role in your health.  It will help your body process the food that you eat and burn off any extra glucose in your system.  Activity will give you more energy and if you followed the doctor's orders during pregnancy you  should already be in the habit of going for regular walks every day.

If you are overweight, by losing a few pounds you can help your body process the food you consume. In type 2 diabetes you become insulin resistant, your pancreas cannot keep up with your insulin needs and there is a need to supplement with injections or when you are not pregnant you can take an oral pill.  But if you lose weight, you will lessen your insulin needs and in turn take the strain off of your pancreas.  

These tips may not prevent you from ever getting type 2 diabetes but they will lessen the chances or delay the onset of getting the disease.

#Depression And #Anxiety In The #Business World

Dealing With Your Depression And Anxiety In The Business World

It is not easy to deal with depression and anxiety in the business world. Getting help from a professional should be the first thing you do if you deal with depression. Many companies nowadays have different programs for their employees. Talk to your Human Resources Representative on a confidential basis and ask if your employer has any such programs.

If your place of work doesn't have any programs then ask your doctor or local mental health clinic. Help is available if you look hard enough.

With the help of a professional, evaluate the source of your depression. Knowing what is causing your depression can go a long way. Once you know why you are feeling depressed, then it is easier to find the ways to overcome it.

A good way to manage your depression is to learn how to deal with your negative thinking. If you get thoughts that make your fearful or anxious, challenge those thoughts with positive statements. Try to minimize the fear behind the thought by thinking of something positive or constructive.

When we worry or get depressed, we tend to worry on exaggerated assumptions.  Sometimes our exaggerated ideas can make us worry even more. Remember to get all of the facts of your current circumstances. Getting the facts can make us aware of what is reality and what is not. Before you worry about something, get the necessary information on your situation. Don't assume anything.

Take things one at a time. Do not look too far ahead. Next week or next month will take care of itself.

Your not alone in dealing with depression and anxiety. If you have such a problem, you can take steps to solve your current problem. They key is to get help from a counselor and to be persistent in finding the ways that will get rid of your anxiety and depression. 

Remember that there is hope. Eventually you or the person who is struggling will eventually get better.

Guilty About #Crossdressing or Being #Transgender?

Do you feel guilty about crossdressing or being transgender? 

Sadly, many of “my girls” tell me that they do.

If you feel you have to lie or sneak around to keep your feminine side hidden, I can understand the conflict.

But let’s get one thing straight – there’s nothing wrong with crossdressing or being transgender. Period.

We live in a world with very defined gender roles. Unfortunately, these roles are even more rigid for males.

It’s OK for women to express their masculinity by dressing like tomboys or by acting strong and assertive. But if a guy looks or acts feminine, he’s labeled as weird, weak, or gay.

The underlying message is that it’s OK to be masculine (even if you’re a woman), but femininity is something to be ashamed of.

What the heck!?

Society is slowing changing, but the time to reject these outdated messages is NOW.

I think Iggy Pop said it best:

“I’m not ashamed to dress like a woman because I don’t think it’s shameful to be a woman.”

There’s no shame in changing your gender to match who you are on the inside either!

I’d love to hear YOUR thoughts on this topic…

Do you struggle with guilt or is it a non-issue for you? If you’ve overcome feelings of guilt, how did you do so?

Leave me your comments below!

Angel Bea

#Longevity: #Healthy #Aging and your Workplace #Wellness

More about your workplace and how it affects your health: 

Some places that you work at can be dangerous to your health. They can cause you a lot of medical and mentally problems. We know you have to work, now days if you do not work your not going to get anywhere. We are not telling you to run off and quite your job but we want you to do your work safely. So talk a long look into your work environment to see if you are safe or not. Does your environment affect your health?

What are some of jobs that are bad for one to do?
Some of the jobs that are bad for your health are sawmills and other mills the reason for this is because of the small gains that you breath in your lungs. In sawmills, a person will breathe in the sawdust, which effects your respiratory system. Other types of mills a person will breathe in all the small gains like corn, or wheat, and what ever else they grain up. Breathing all this stuff can cause you to develop lung disease and/or lung cancer. Factories often cause bronchitis, allergies and so on.

People in the southern parts work in the coal mines. These people have it bad too for the same reason. When the person visits the doctor environment factors are considered, which doctors often find damage due to the chemicals in the atmosphere or environment?
Coalmines are filled with black Sid. Black Sid will causes diseases known as the black lung cancer. Once the disease is in your system, unless your doctor caught it at the first stage, usually a person is out of luck. 

Jobs may include the ones where a person has to spray to kill the weeds and the bugs. Spray is used to terminate lime also. The crops require such sprays to grow healthy, yet a person breathing in these hard chemicals are at risk. The chemicals do not only kill what they are spraying, but it ends up killing the person slowly. These chemicals could cause lung cancer or lung disease. Alternatively, if you are one of the lucky ones that don’t get lung disease or cancer you just might various types of breathing problems.

What can I do to be safe while am at work?
When at work and you want to stay safe. You have options when it comes to workplace. You can play it smart and ask your supervisor if a mask is available. A caring supervisor will have one ready for you. If your supervisor does not offer you a mask, then you take it in your hands, go to your local drug store, and buy one for your own safety. In addition, make sure you wear the mask, it will help you in the end, since you will be better off than if you do not wear it.

What kind of mental problems can a job cause?
All jobs come with stress we have no control over. However, you can learn to control the stress that is put on you if you let stress control you that is bad for you. Stress will take control if you let it. We all have deadlines to meet as well as making sure we are doing our job the right way. Stress if out of control however can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, or even a stroke. Just remember you have all the control to handle the stress or to let it handle you. If you learn to handle stress and wear mask you will live a healthier life so play it safe.

#Romance #Dating #Relationships: Successfully #Single Until Your Soulmate Comes Along!

Our planet is brimming with a random lottery of people; undeniably though, finding true love can be considered a risky business. Love is supposed to be a beautiful feeling with lots of happy thoughts emanating from the whole package of being in love, so why is finding true love is considered a difficult challenge?

Is finding love really so hard though? Or do we just make it hard? Finding love is not hard, but sometimes it takes a long time. So if you are single now, and I assume that you are, then you are likely goint go be single for awhile. 

Here are some advantages of being single: 

1. You are independent
Basically you can do what you want when you want. You don't have to wait, you don't have to ask, you can just go. 

2. You have more time 
When you're single; you don't have to sit around doing nothing. Want to go to the gym? Want to join the hiking club? Play an instrument? How about watch your favorite video for 10th time? Want to take a course? Learn a new hobby? Who's stopping you? 

3. You don't have to deal with another's personal habits 
You can sleep without listening to someone's snoring and hog all the blankets all the time and nobody cares. You don't have to pick up after anyone but yourself. And you don't even have to pick up after yourself if you don't want to. Give your patience a well-deserved break. 

4. You can be spontaneous Be daring! 
Do what you want when you want to and who cares if you don't get to dinner until midnight? Do something out of the ordinary, without having to get permission first or calling ahead. This is freedom! 

5. You can focus on your career You can channel your energy into your work. Without a relationship, you have a lot more time. Put in those extra hours and impress your boss, or take on new projects. 

6. You are your own boss Relationships need compromise and you don't always get your own way. Both people in a relationship have to give something up for the greater good of the relationship. Do what you want and treat yourself more. Selfishness is good for the soul (in small doses). 

Don't stress! That special someone is out there and you can and will find them. It just takes time. 

In the meantime, enjoy being single. In fact, I believe that if you can't be happy being single, you will never be happy with your soulmate! Kind of like rich and poor. There are lots of poor people who are happy and lots that are unhappy. Same with rich people -- lots are happy and lots are unhappy. Now what do you think would happen if we took a poor who was unhappy, and gave them lots of money? 

You guessed it! They would probably be happy for a short time, but it wouldn't last and eventually they would be just as unhappy as they were. 

Ever wonder why that is? Being happy comes from inside of you not outside. OK, you are single -- enjoy yourself and that special person will come along before you know it! 

I hope that you have found this article useful in your search. If you would like to more about finding your soulmate, please visit my website Soulmate Secrets.

#Aging: Controlling #Disease for #Longevity. #Healthy

Once you have learned that you have an illness like cancer or heart disease, it can be hard on you mentally and emotionally. At this time, you want to take control of your disease. When you feel like giving up, you only allow the disease to take control of your life. Remember you have people who care about you, and when you give up you give up on them too.

How you can help you live through healthy aging:
The first thing you have to do is to accept the fact that you are sick. This can be hard for you but if you are mentally able, you have to do this. Once you accepted it is easier to move ahead and take the next step. Acceptance will help you to better understand your disease. Remember, you are not the disease the illnesses is something that is reducing your abilities to function healthy in life. Still, you can function healthy by taking necessary actions.

You can get the information off the Internet if you would like to learn more about your condition. Learning will help you by allowing you to understand your disease. In fact, learning will help you to find interventions, preventions, and perhaps cures for your disease. You can talk with your doctor as well. Learn what you can from your family doctor. Once you have accepted what you have and have learned about it then you can move on to the next step. Which is to, to live your life to the fullest? Do what you can do while you can, go see places that you would not normally. 

How will my disease affect me emotionally and mentally?
It depends on the disease, but most illnesses we can safely tell you causes depression. You may feel like being alone. At times, you will endure mood swings and not feel like having anyone near you. You may feel hopeless.

How would I get a second opinion?
Getting a second opinion is always important if you've been diagnosed with any disease. You can start with talking to your family doctor and see what he/she may think. Although a second opinion is good for you to have if your not feeling comfortable, you want to continue seeking advice. It is in your best interest to find a qualified doctor to give you a second opinion. Sadly, you may have to visit a few doctors to find one that makes you feel comfortable.

What can I do to help myself?
We all have the power to help ourselves. We can take action by eating right. We can improve health by taking vitamins and supplements intended to help fight disease and make you stronger. You want to socialize and avoid isolating you. Be social and don't stay in your room crying to yourself. Doctors persistently ask their patients to express their feelings. Expressing your feelings is helping you to fight for healthy aging. 

Make sure you make all your family doctors appointments. You want to stay on your toes when dealing with disease. Visiting your doctor regularly will help you stay in control. When you feel blue, walk. If not outside maybe, you can walk around your house. Walking will help you to stay strong.

You may benefit from participating with a support group of some sort. We all need support; yet having someone that understands your disease makes better friendship. At meetings, you can vent your emotions. What a wonderful way to follow doctors orders, thus expressing your emotions. You also want to consider friends who will allow you to express your emotions. 

If you don't want to go out and be around your friends then why not get a pet as a friend they can help you though this as well they will walk with you and play with you and be your best friend though all of this.