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#Prostate #Massage: The Secret to a better Love Life!

Remember, straight guys can play with their butts too!
Men have shown curiosity about prostate massages, apparently a new hot trend in male sexuality, whether heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual. Several health professionals are recommending prostate massage as a preventive health practice, and some men are reporting it gives them the best orgasms they have ever experienced.

In some Asian countries, prostate massage therapy is widely practised by men to enhance their sexual performance. A side benefit may be the fact Asian men tend to have lower rates of prostate cancer. Historically, men who had many wives or mistresses hired monks or doctors to administer prostate massages to help ensure they could perform sexually.

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland located between the bladder and the penis in front of the rectum. The urethra runs through the centre of the prostate, from the bladder to the penis, letting urine flow out of the body. The prostate secretes fluid that nourishes and protects sperm. During ejaculation it squeezes this fluid into the urethra and it is expelled with sperm as semen.

The prostate is responsible for regulating much of male sexual functioning. It produces prostatic fluid, which is an important component of semen and a contributor to higher fertility. The prostate also helps men experience more satisfying sexual encounters and can be an important component in sexual dysfunction, such as loss of erections or ejaculatory problems. It is affected strongly by the testosterone levels produced in the testes.

So why is regular prostate massage healthy and what are the benefits?

It helps eliminate the build-up of prostatic fluid in the prostate gland ducts, which can lead to prostatitis, a painful inflammation of the prostate.

It improves blood flow to the prostate which helps the gland produce the fluid that mixes with semen and increases circulation, helping with impotence.

It can help prevent BPH (Benign prostatic hyperplasia), also known as an enlarged prostate, which can lead to difficulty in urinating and cause bladder infections if the urine backs up into the bladder.

It may be helpful in minimizing painful ejaculation.

It may help keep the prostate functioning properly which may prevent or reduce a man's risk of getting prostate cancer.

It may increase the intensity of ejaculation, heightening sexual experience.

If you think you have prostate problems, it's really important to check with your doctor first to see if a prostate massage is ideal or potentially harmful

There are two types of prostate massages, internal and external. Due to religious or personal choice, some men find the back side a bit of a taboo and others do not wish to be naked. For them there is a device on the market that can be used fully clothed and is reasonably priced.

Some men can experience the benefits of prostate stimulation through the perineum, the area between the testes and anus. The prostate gland becomes very sensitive when a man is sexually aroused and the right pressure on it during the few moments before orgasm will feel amazing. It can be a good option for beginners who aren't yet that comfortable with internal massage.

Because of this new trend, the pages of online sex toy stores are advertising prostate massagers in all shapes and sizes. If you buy products, just be careful to ensure they are phthalates-free, which means they are hypo-allergenic and body safe.

If you are a heterosexual man, prostate pleasure may feel like a taboo. This fear stems from the myth that only gay man practice anal play. Some women may be concerned that if their partners like this massage they may be secretly gay or bisexual. This belief is not only homophobic, but also not true at all.

But the outing of the prostate as a potential organ of pleasure – regardless of sexuality – will free gay and bisexual men of the burden of representing all male anal pleasure.

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