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#Superfoods for #Erectile #Dysfunction

There are many underlying physical and psychological causes of erectile dysfunction. Reduced blood flows to the penis and nerve damage are two of the most common physical causes. Underlying conditions associated with erectile dysfunction include vascular disease, diabetes, drugs, hormone disorders, neurological disorders, pelvic trauma, surgery, radiation therapy, a venous leak or psychological conditions.  

A lack of zinc can interfere with the maturation of the reproductive organs, as well as interfere with reproductive functions and processes. It can contribute to impotence. Chronic diarrhea, poor appetite, and thus significant weight loss of the unhealthy and undesirable sort, hair loss, and the slow healing of wounds are all associated with zinc deficiencies. So, too, are open sores on the skin and in the mouth, strange tastes in the mouth, and inefficient or reduced mental functioning, especially cognitive processes.  So be sure to include lots of zinc-rich foods in your diet, including red meat, fortified cereals, oysters, almonds, peanuts, chickpeas, soy foods, and dairy products.

 Zinc is vital to many internal processes and supports immune function, reproduction, and the nervous system.
It’s also imperative to include other vitamins and minerals in your diet, as they may also help improve erectile dysfunction. Be sure to eat whole, fresh, unrefined, and unprocessed foods. Include fruits (lots of richly pigmented berries to support vascular integrity), vegetables, whole grains, soy, beans, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and mackerel. Avoid sugar, dairy products, refined foods, fried foods, junk foods, and caffeine. If you’ve found in the past that you’re sensitive to certain kinds of foods, eliminate them from your diet, ass it could be a contributing factor to erectile dysfunction. 

 Also be sure to drink plenty of water.  A good rule of thumb is to drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz of water daily). Try to avoid alcohol and smoking, as they can have a negative impact on erectile function.

Erectile dysfunction may be chronic or recurring, or it may occur as a single isolated incident. In the past, it was assumed that impotence was primarily a psychological problem, but many therapists and physicians today believe the majority of all cases of impotence have some physical basis.

The Essential #Transgender Dating Tips ,#sissy #transsexual

Whether you are transsexual, bisexual or bi-curious, finding that perfect date can be a daunting task, especially if you are stepping out for the first time. How should you dress? Where should you go? What should you say or not to say? One thing is for sure, remember to be yourself and be relaxed. Below are a series of gay dating tips aimed at helping you make that date a real success.

1. Location, location, location! Choosing a meeting place is extremely important. Agree to meet at a place that is neutral, not too far from your dwellings and be familiar with the area. You would want to also choose a place that is not too noisy or rowdy, more like a quiet bar where you can both communicate and be heard effectively.

2. Concentrate my dear! Dating can always be extremely tense and nerve racking, especially if you are the quiet or shy type. One point to remember is to listen carefully to what your date has to say, this will enable you to relate and connect more easily.

3. A little bit of give and take: Share the conversation, ask as many questions as you like, feel free to talk about yourself, but also be courteous and listen to what the other person has to say.

4. What was in the past is better left in the past: Do not dwell in the past and absolutely refrain from mentioning your past relationships and negative experiences. Remember, every first date is a new beginning and should be treated like one. So, feel confident and be optimistic, stick to the present and the future. Show your date that his time is now and that you have no left over baggage.

5. Radiate: Show your inner glow and be positive. There is nothing like a positive and optimistic person. It shows a good level of confidence, which is definitely attractive in many people’s eyes. Bury your negative thoughts and think positive.

6. To hump or not to hump? It has been proven time and time again that one night stands or “hi how are you, let’s have sex” encounters do not last the test of time or more than 24 hours for that matter. If that is what you are seeking, fine, but just play it SAFE, otherwise you may want to concentrate further on the conversation and leave sex for another time. This will show that you are genuinely interested in your date and wish to take matters further.

7. Easy come, easy go: There is no need to rush the situation. Take your time, give yourself and the other person time to breath and discover how you truly feel about each other. It is not advisable to become too serious too quickly at an early stage in the dating process. This might easily scare off the other person who may not feel ready for a relationship or commitment. 

8. Honesty shall set you free: There is no point in beating around the bush. Be true to yourself and your feelings towards this person. If you feel you are not getting the attention you deserve, let yourself be heard. If your interest is not reciprocated, direct your attention on somebody that will appreciated it. Like wise, if you grow dissatisfied or lose interest in the person, let it be known. 

9. R.E.S.P.E.C.T: One of the most important gay dating tips is to treat the other person with the same level of respect as you feel you deserve. There is no point in wasting time and playing games, return their phone calls and speak to them. If you are not interested, have the decency of letting the person know rather than taking them on a roller coaster ride of uncertainty.

Meeting someone new is never easy, let alone dating them. We hope these gay dating tips have given you a valuable insight into etiquettes involved with dating. We wish you the very best of luck and hope that you keep these gay dating tips in mind.

#Women: Truths And #Myths Of #Sexual #Masturbation #Longevity

Most men are still clueless about masturbation, yet they do this activity almost everyday. Thus, when people make up even the most absurd stories about masturbation, some men easily fall into the trap of believing it. These absurd stories are often called myths which are ideas that may sound really possible when you first hear about it. However, when considered more deeply, these ideas do not make sense at all. To be able to determine whether a certain story about masturbation is true or possibly just a myth, one must know more about the technicalities of masturbation. This means knowing more about the anatomy and physiology of the most banal of all activities that is masturbation.

Masturbation, as they say, is the imitation of the act of sexual intercourse when done alone. The sensations that are triggered during sex are the very same sensations that result during self-stimulation. During masturbation, men usually hold their penis loosely and make an up-and-down hand motion. This is continued until orgasm or ejaculation is achieved, which is the very same end result of sexual intercourse. Other techniques, gadgets, and styles can be used to further improve the experience of self-stimulation. Some of these techniques or gadgets can be dangerous since it may cause physical injuries. Other than that, masturbation has no other known dangers unlike what the myths suggest.

One famous myth about masturbation is that it is said to cause erection problems or erectile dysfunction in the future when masturbation is done frequently. As said earlier, myths seem true or possible when heard the first time. However, upon deeper analysis, it is only then that the truth or the possibility of the claimed statement is proven false or improbable. In this case, it may seem possible that frequent masturbation can eventually cause erectile dysfunction or erection problems. However, when analyzed further through asking, “How can this be possible?”, it will be known that masturbation has nothing to do with erection problems at all.

First, take into consideration the main causes of erectile dysfunction. Usually, these are injuries caused by physical trauma due to extremely strenuous activities or actions. Masturbation can neither cause physical trauma nor is it considered an extremely strenuous activity. Even if it is repeated several times and quite frequently, a person’s body naturally regulates the capacity of a person to endure self-stimulation for even a long period of time. Thus, it is impossible for a person to go overboard when it comes to masturbation. One reason for erectile dysfunction to possibly occur is when a device used or applied during the act of masturbation has caused an injury in the nerves of the man’s penis.

Truth is, no matter how frequent or how many times masturbation is done, it can never eventually result to erectile dysfunction. The common possible causes of erection problems are those that will have some influence on the functioning of the penal nerves. These include traumatic injuries, highly strenuous activities, health problems such as diabetes, and psychological factors such as stess or anxiety. The best way of preventing or avoiding this situation from happening is to also avoid the situations that may cause it. Since masturbation is not considered to be one of the causes, therefore, it may still be continued without worries.

#Transsexual: The Top 3 Beard Concealers for #Transgender #sissy

Of all the beauty flaws out there, nothing is as bad as having a visible beard shadow!

Your best bet is to get rid of your beard through laser hair removal or electrolysis. If you can’t do that you’ll need a close shave and a good concealer.
There are a lot of options out there, but here are the top 3 beard concealers I recommend:
dermablend transgender feminization 1. Dermablend Cover Crème
The “mother” of all beard covers and a TG favorite, Dermablend Cover Crème ($32) is heavy enough to cover scars, tattoos, bruises, and beard shadows. On the down side, it’s very thick and can look cakey. Dermablend is best for evenings or low light situations when you can get away with heavy makeup.
mac transgender feminization 2. MAC Full Coverage Foundation
MAC Full Coverage Foundation($26) is another TG favorite. It’s a cake foundation that offers great coverage and is used by pros for beauty photography. The MAC foundation is lighter than Dermablend, so it looks more natural.
Note: MAC Full Coverage Foundation is only available in MAC Pro stores or by calling 1-800-866-6464 to order.
colortration transgender feminization 3. Colortration
Colortration Super Concealing Liquid Makeup ($37) is another great option for covering your beard shadow. In fact, many girls swear by it. Colortration is a highly concentrated liquid concealer, so it goes on smoother and looks more natural than crème covers.
Your best bet is to order Colortration’s six color trial kit ($17) so you can find your best shade. Order online or by calling 1-888-350-4505.
No matter which concealer you use, keep these two things in mind:
  1. Pat (don’t rub!) the concealer on.
  2. Apply powder between concealer layers.
What’s YOUR favorite beard concealer? Let me know by leaving a comment below! I’d love to hear from you.


Do You Want A #Sexy Perky #Butt

How to build sexy perky butts and buns? 

Do you know that whether you are a guy or a gal, one of your anatomies that are constantly being scrutinized is your butt? Many do say that a perky butt is one of the most attractive part of a human body. And don't you think it is? Certainly so! 

Take a look at your own buns right now. Is it tight perky and strong or is it saggy and lumpy? Worse, is it without any tone and just hangs there like a piece of flesh just out from the butcher store? If you really want a tight and sexy butt that make heads turn when you are in a pair of tight jeans or in your bikini, read on. 

Your butt consist of three muscles, the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are the muscles on the sides of the hip that are used for the internal rotation of the thigh. The gluteus maximus is the largest of the three muscles and is used for hip extension, outward rotation, leg adduction and leg abduction. These muscles are collectively called the "Glutes". 

Strong glutes helps us in our daily activities like climbing stairs or squating to pick sonething besides looking good and sexy. These muscles are essential in sports activities. Strong glutes will power your participation in any sport, like cycling and especially in jumping sports such as football, volleyball, soccer, basketball and net ball. 

If your glute is hanging and lump then there is a layer of fats covering the muscles. If that is the case, its simple. Just lose the fats by a combination of cardio, weight resistance exercises and a clorie restriction diet. 

To have great looking strong glutes, weight resistant exercises must be included in your workout routines. For some people, exercises such as running up slopes, stair-master or step climbing will have good effect in shaping the buns. But to have that perky sexy butt, you will have to incorporate Squats, Dead lifts and Lunges which are fantastic butt shapers. 

So in a nutshell, you need to lose fats and build a well muscled glute in order to own a sexy perky butt that make heads turn and eyes glued to your bottom posterity. That isn't difficult. All you need is some commitment and determination on your part and you are already half way there. 

#Superfoods for Super #Sex #diabetes

Every aspect of a food - its color, shape, scent and texture – can make it sexy. In addition, certain foods contain 

substances that make us feel good by interacting with our hormones or stimulating our brain. 
Consider incorporating some of the following into your next 

candlelight dinner to help you and your partner get in the mood.

Oysters are a good source of minerals like selenium and zinc, and are also high in protein. A perfect appetizer to a beautiful meal – but be careful when purchasing, as some can have high levels of pollutants and PCB.  If you’re pregnant, oysters should be avoided.  

Chocolate has been a symbol of love and lust for centuries due to theobromine, a stimulant to the brain that creates a pleasurable effect. Chocolate also contains antioxidants that may lower cancer and heart disease risk. However, chocolate is also very high in fat, so self-restraint should be exercised. Dark chocolates are usually lower in sugar, but higher in antioxidants and theobromine than milk chocolate.  

Kiwi and papaya are colorful fruits have an alluring and interesting aspect about them that can help flip the switch. Loaded with antioxidants, tropical fruits help fend off heart disease and cancers. Kiwi actually has more vitamin C in it than an orange, and papaya is rich in beta-carotene and high in fiber.

Honey was thought in medieval times to sweeten the marriage when mixed into a drink. Bear in mind, however, it’s still pretty high in sugar, so use sparingly.

Asparagus can also help get your partner in the mood. It’s one of the few good sources of vitamin E and is a natural diuretic. Steaming is the best way to prepare them without losing nutrients, and they can easily be eaten by hand.

A good cup of coffee or tea after that romantic dinner stimulates the release of epinephrine, which contributes to stimulation in the body. It can also be found in dark 
chocolate. Just don’t consume too much caffeine before bed, unless you plan on being awake all night long!

#Diabetics: Physical activity for people with #diabetes?- #diabetic

Hello fellow diabetics. A short article today. So, start a mild excercise routine, some stretches, fast walking and some isometrics.
Running ShoesWalking vigorously, hiking, climbing stairs, swimming, aerobics, dancing, bicycling, skating, skiing, tennis, basketball, volleyball, or other sports are just some examples of physical activity that will work your large muscles, increase your heart rate, and make you breathe harder – important goals for fitness.

In addition, strength training exercises with hand weights, elastic bands, or weight machines can help you build muscle. Stretching helps to make you flexible and prevent soreness after other types of exercise.

Do physical activities you really like. The more fun you have, the more likely you will do it each day. It can be helpful to exercise with a family member or friend.

KEEP AT IT. Making even small changes is hard in the beginning. Try to add one new change a week. If you get off track, start again and keep at it.

#Diabetics some good types of physical activity for people with #diabetes?- #Diabetic

Hello fellow diabetics. A short article today. So, start a mild excercise routine, some stretches, fast walking and some isometrics.
Running ShoesWalking vigorously, hiking, climbing stairs, swimming, aerobics, dancing, bicycling, skating, skiing, tennis, basketball, volleyball, or other sports are just some examples of physical activity that will work your large muscles, increase your heart rate, and make you breathe harder – important goals for fitness.

In addition, strength training exercises with hand weights, elastic bands, or weight machines can help you build muscle. Stretching helps to make you flexible and prevent soreness after other types of exercise.

Do physical activities you really like. The more fun you have, the more likely you will do it each day. It can be helpful to exercise with a family member or friend.

KEEP AT IT. Making even small changes is hard in the beginning. Try to add one new change a week. If you get off track, start again and keep at it.
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