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#Diabetic #Dog Food #diabetes #glycemic

The following items represent some of The Dog Food Advisor’s most frequently asked questions about diabetic dog food.

Where can I get suggestions for specific dog foods for my diabetic dog?

Diabetes is a serious condition and can be life threatening. The food you select can play a crucial role in your dog’s treatment. Consult your dog’s veterinarian first for specific product recommendations.

What kinds of foods make the best candidates for my diabetic dog?

Public information regarding canine diabetes and diet appears to be somewhat limited.

To help keep blood sugar stable, one should look for foods that contain moderate dietary fiber and a low-glycemic index.

How much fiber should a diabetic dog consume?

Although higher dietary fiber was initially believed to be beneficial, recent studies have suggested there may be no real advantage to high fiber diets compared to the moderate type associated with most commercial foods.1

What is the glycemic index?

The glycemic index is a scientific measure of how easily a particular food can be converted to blood glucose (sugar).

Dog foods with a low hypoglycemic index exhibit less of a tendency to raise a dog’s blood glucose (sugar) level than others.

What type of dog foods have a lower hypoglycemic index?

In general, dog foods with the lowest carbohydrate content exhibit a lower glycemic index.

Since most kibbles are carbohydrate based, low-carb canned foods should be given serious consideration when selecting candidates for diabetic pets.