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#Diabetic #Diabetics: Your #Insulin pump #T1D #A1C #diabetes

To all my diabuddies who are insecure about their insulin pump-
-You are literally part cyborg now isn’t that cool!
-You can cover up your pump if you want to! Im proud of you and your awesome . just make sure you feel comfortable with it
-same if you like to color on it or show it off! Im proud of you
-If someone asks you about it they are probably just curious and want to learn about it
- You don’t have to take shots anymore and that’s great! 

-You still have to get poked every three days but you are alive still and that is amazing!
-I love you and support you 
-If you have scars from it don worry you are still really cute and pretty
-literally tons of jokes you can tell people when they ask you about ur pump (my personal favorite was that im an  alien and the government gave it to me to make sure i appeared human in front of everyone)

-Yes the alarms can get super annoying but it’s just your pump trying to tell you it loves you and wants you to live!!
-The pumps are already pretty great but they will continue to get better and better and hopefully one day someone can find a cure for t1d! 

-you can personalize a lot of pumps and make it more pretty if you want to! like i actually named mine her name is Sage and I love her

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