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#Diabetics: Getting #Pregnant when you have #T1D and Type 2 #Diabetes. #diabetic

There is no reason that you can not get pregnant and have a healthy baby because you are diabetic.  But there are precautions and preparations that should be taken to provide a healthy pregnancy for both you and your unborn baby.

Before you try to become pregnant, you should have a discussion with your doctor to let him or her know your plans.  They will review your medical history and give you advice on the best way to proceed or if you should wait.

The reason you would be asked to wait is if your Hemoglobin A1C test results were high.  Even though a reading of less than seven is considered good diabetic control it is better to have a lower number (around six) for the best chance at a healthy start.  The reason it is so important to have good blood glucose control before you get pregnant is because of a reduction in the chance of your baby being born with birth defects.

The first six weeks of pregnancy are when the baby's internal organs are just starting to form.  If they are exposed to high blood sugar levels during this time it is highly likely the baby will be born with birth defects or other complications.

But once you have the go ahead from the doctor to try and conceive you will still need strict control over your diabetes.  Your insulin requirements while you are pregnant are going to increase as the placenta releases a hormone that can block insulin production.  If you follow the diet provided by your doctor and remain healthy during your pregnancy your insulin requirements will most likely return to normal once the baby is born.

Mothers who have diabetes will still have regular pregnancies and can breast feed once their babies are born.

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