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#CDC: #Cancer Scam #Pharma

Big Pharma Tells Millions of People They Have Cancer, and Then Sells Them Useless Treatments

The mainstream media and the CDC manage to feed the programming propaganda that Big Pharma controlled medical system, especially the lucrative cancer industry, need to maintain their profitable monopoly.
The business model is perfect. Convince everyone, with the help of media and its entertainment aspects, that only the allopathic “heroic intervention” model of “modern medicine” offers solutions for humanity’s health issues. Instead, offer treatments that usually worsen conditions or create other situations that demand more interventions and pharmaceutical “solutions”.

One of the most egregious manifestations of this programming is from the cancer industry, which competes with the vaccine industry’s lies supported by the CDC and media also.

The term cancer industry includes all those bogus “charitable” fund raising groups that profit from maintaining false hopes of finding that ever elusive cancer cure while suppressing hundreds of less expensive natural remedies that already exist without harmful side effects are kept from public awareness.

The medical monopoly considers germs the invading enemies of human and animal health while ignoring one’s immune system or “inner terrain”. Even cancer is considered a creeping crud that strikes the unlucky or genetically predisposed, even at the rate of more than one out of three expected to be diagnosed with cancer.

Mainstream medicine doesn’t bother looking at environmental and dietary issues within our plethora of modern maladies. Instead, only vaccinations with toxic ingredients are offered to “grant immunity”.

The Cancer Industry’s Lethal Consequences

The cancer industry thrives on dangerously drastic and expensive chemotherapy and radiation treatments while pharmaceutical companies do more research for more toxic applications. All of them have miserably low cure rates.

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