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#White people want: "Gentler #War on #Drugs"

For Whites is code that's considered an exploding epidemic or crisis because it's affecting Whites and their communities that have been exposed because of the heavy usage of drug use since the hippie movement of the 1960's was always present with all types of illegal drugs and the misuse of over the counter and doctor prescribed drugs in white America.
Our White kids are drug addicts. They need help and not prison.
Drug addicted Black kids? 

They are largely the reason why my white child is a drug addict and because of their influence, send them directly to prison.
Typical white racist thinking.
I watched "60" Minutes last Sunday with their lead story about massive heroin use in the so-called "safe and responsible" white suburban neighborhoods with daughters who have overdosed, been to drug rehab more than 10 times, failed rehab each time and is still heavily addicted and still using.
The White parents being questioned on the panel were pointing the fingers at everything else and not pointing the fingers at themselves for being irresponsible, terrible parents to include one mother stupidly saying that if people who don't eat right, over eat, gain weight and develop diabetes can't be charged with a crime and go to jail, then why should my daughter who is a "victim" of drugs.
Her daughter was even shown shooting up heroin in her room sitting on her bed by her white boyfriend.

She's not a junkie, she's a victim.........."Victim" meaning someone else's fault for her daughter's drug disease.
White Americans make up 63% of the American population compared to 13% that makes up the African American population yet Whites still believe when things happen in their communities and in their homes to their children, the parents think they didn't do anything wrong, they did all they possibly could. Heroin, crack, cocaine, marijuana and even acid use is because of the African American population who have directly and indirectly, influenced their white children to become drug addicted.
It's all Black people's fault.
The massive issue of prescription drugs, designer drugs and meth throughout white America that also includes extreme family alcoholism?
They all live in closeted and secret denial about it while thinking if they keep it to themselves within their white suburban community walls that also doesn't expose their shame, no one will on the outside will know about it.

Always blaming Blacks because it's easy and that's what the white media focuses all their negative attention.
All those stand in the corner, "time out" disciplines you gave your children while growing up and just talking in frustration to your children because you refused to spank while growing up, is now working against you because they have no fear of you at all and in addition, can do and say whatever they want to you that severely hurt your feelings and they could care less about you.

Where you live be it in urban areas or in the white rural or suburban neighborhoods, doesn't make a difference where you live or how little or how much you have financially and materialism wise if you're a terrible parent and never knew or don't know how to parent.

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