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#Transsexual: #Feminize Your selves. #tranny #tgirl #transgender.

The biggest issue is hair, if you are out of the closet and have a supporting spouse you have probably already waxed or shaved your hands and arms. But like many of us this is not an option for me. I have always been disgusted by the hair on my hands and arms. Over the last year I have been slowly trimming it back. I use an at home hair cutting kit to thin out my arm hair. The ¼ inch attachment when run thru your arm hair brings it down to a nice level. I shave my fingers and parts of my hands and then leave just a bit. I then use a little bit of Sun-In, this is a product used to lighten hair when in the summer sun. This will lighten up what’s left. In the winter you can use a hair dryer with the Sun-In.

Next, if you want be a girl, or look like a girl start acting like one! Take care of those hands, buy some really good hand cream and keep it at your desk. Wear gloves when doing your manly activities, raking leaves, changing the oil or roofing.
Let’s talk about those nails. I keep my nails a tiny bit long, about a 1/8 of an inch of white at the tips. When I am on the road for work and planning a day out I’ll go to any local nail shop. I usually go the night before my outing endrab and get a French manicure. The French manicure features white tips that are accentuated by a natural looking base. The nail technicians are typically delighted and fascinated by me. I tell them I am going to a party dressed as a woman and they usually think this is so cool, and asked a bunch of questions. Once again this provides a great opportunity for outreach and education. Never has there been a negative or cold reception. 

The cost is about $20.00 with a gratuity. Now the trick with this manicure and how it helps us camouflage our larger hands is by having the white tips run a little deeper inward. Normally women have a ½ inch of nail tip that is polished white. Instead we have a ¼ inch of white polish but it doesn’t extend out past the edge of the finger. This creates the illusion of a longer nail and thus shorter fingers.

I understand that going to a nail salon might not be in the comfort zone of many girls. Another great option that produces fantastic results are Broadway press-on nails, get the short ones and you will get almost the same effect. I am wearing them in this picture. The only place I can find the press on nails is at CVS stores. I wait until there is a two for one sale and stock up. Finally how we move, hold, and gesture with our hands send gender cues. I have seen beautiful transgender women who use masculine hand gestures that make them look out of place.

Here is an amazingly simple trick that I was saving for last. Here’s how we make our hands 30 to 40% smaller. Place you hands flat on the table in front of you. Then take your thumb and place it between your pinky and ring finger. See the difference? Now, add a faux engagement ring on one hand, a birthstone ring on the other, a gold watch on one wrist and some type of bracelet on the other, this teamed with your manicure and hand care what a huge difference! A rule of thumb (pun intended) when observing feminine body language is that women tend to make themselves smaller. 

For example women hold their arms closer to their bodies and cross their legs. Men hold their arms away from their bodies and keep their legs open. You’ll notice women keep their hands cupped or have their fingers curled inward while holding their hands idle. Women also tend to keep their hands above their waist. Another typically feminine hand gesture is self annunciation. This is when a woman demurely touches her hand to her chest when speaking in the first person. “In my opinion I really think you need to speak to Karen about this.”

Become an observer of women find a mentor and notice her movements and gestures. Then practice and don’t be afraid to act feminine. When I first started going out in public I was hesitant to act feminine, then it dawned on me. Of course I should act feminine. Observe yourself in front of a mirror as you would when rehearsing lines in play. Learn the part and then it will become natural.

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